MTES opens outdoor learning area


On Thursday morning, Miami Trace Elementary School officially opened its new playground and outdoor learning space, which combines the structure and fun of a playground with room for children to be curious and creative.

During the opening ceremony, Miami Trace Superintendent Kim Pittser took the time to personally thank the Miami Trace Board of Education, administration and treasurer elementary admin — Eric Tattersall, Sunny Cummings, Justin Lanman, the Miami Trace maintenance department, the Elementary Recreation Committee, Elementary Student Council representatives, and Elementary PTO Valero PES (Playground Equipment Services) for all of their hard work and dedication in bringing this outdoor learning area to life.

“It is exciting and rewarding to watch a project be developed from a building needs assessment and completed through vision, collaboration and dedication,” said Pittser.

According to Pittser, the project was funded by ESSER Grant Allocations and donations from Valero and Miami Trace Elementary PTO.

All ESSER funds expire this June. Approximately 88% of ESSER was spent on personnel to provide interventions that addressed the learning gaps from COVID. The other 12% was used for facility items and outdoor learning spaces. The school is proud of the many accomplishments made possible with these funds.

“We greatly appreciate their investment in our school community,” said Pittser. “We know this outdoor learning space will serve students both now and well into the future.”

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