What does 4-H mean to you?


The 4-H camp counselors were asked to share a little about what 4-H means to them, how it has impacted them or to simply share their favorite memory or experience.

Abbie Steele

My favorite camp memory is when I was still a camper. My cabin was put into dog court. We had so much fun doing the activities assigned to us. I also enjoyed the counselor bonding at onsite training we do every year to prepare for camp. We stayed the night before camp started to prepare for camp.

Carley Payton

I like 4-H Camp because I think it’s fun to get outside and do outdoor activities. My favorite memory is from my first year as a counselor. The campers I had were so kind and made me feel respected as a counselor.

Kayley Moser

4-H is all about developing skills, building community, and learning life lessons. I’ve changed for the better after joining 4-H, and I hope I’ve positively affected others while being in 4-H. I’ve learned skills I can take with me into the future, and I’ve even learned about how to effectively communicate with others. I know I will not only keep these skills, but I’ll always keep many of my 4-H memories and friendships.

Cotey Payton

My favorite thing about 4-H Camp is being able to come together with both friends and strangers to learn team building skills and make new friends. I love that I can be myself and have fun dancing, singing and communicating with others.

Amberly Szczerbiak

4-H has taught me the most valuable things. It has taught me things I didn’t know I needed to learn but I am so thankful and glad that I did. I started 4-H much later than the majority of my peers. Being a first year 4-H member the summer after my freshman year. I was very confused and unfamiliar with what I had to do and how the Fayette County Fair works. I received an immense amount of help from my first friends and fellow adults at the fair my first year. Everyone was so helpful and inspired me to want to join the Jr. Fairboard and be a camp counselor the following year. I am so thankful for my first-year fair experience. It taught me so many lessons.

Cole Kirkpatrick

4-H has impacted my life in many ways. One way and the most impactful has been the friendships I’ve gained listening to stories of what I should do or most likely should not do. The most useful benefit has been the people I’ve met along the way. Some relationships have stayed with me. For example, Mr. Scott that is my AP Government teacher this year. There are others that I’ve seen since I’ve met them.

Shelby Snider

My favorite memories at 4-H camp is dog court and vespers. Vespers is one of my memories. My first year at camp I didn’t that many people but when we did the paper plate activity, I truly was amazed how many people wrote on my paper plate. Dog court is another favorite memory. It is fun and all the kids enjoy it. As a camper, I camper I loved it and thought it was so cool.

Garrett Carson

4-H means to me a wide variety of things. Many memories in the barns with my siblings and parents to the memories at camp with all the new and old friends I have made. May of those friends, I see every single day. My favorite camp memory is being a counselor the first time. I was able to give back from my experience I had as a camper.

Hannah Bageant

To me 4-H is a community for kids. It’s a wonder experience to put yourself out there and meet new people with similar interests. 4-H has kept me involved with the fair and the people around me. I’ve learned a lot doing different projects throughout the year.

Katie Harris

4-H is a chance to explore new opportunities and grow your leadership skills. 4-H allows children and young adults to converse with one another and work towards a common goal. It offers many opportunities like showing at the fair and going to 4-H camp. Many new friendships blossom from these opportunities, and I am so thankful for it.

Emily Turner

4-H is a way to explore new interests and form new friendships. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone through things such as Horse Queen, which I never thought I would run for. Being a counselor has taught me how to be a better role model and how to better communicate with my peers. I have grown my skill set and explored various interests through self-determined projects. The flexibility of 4-H ensures that e3veryone can be involved regardless of interest.

Kelsy Douglas

4-H to me is a lot of fun. Camp has led me to be more like myself. I have met more friends. Camp made me realize that I have many people who care about me. I used to be a very shy person then I went to camp. It made me the person I am. I have gained many friends and memories. I’m very grateful for everyone and all the wonderful memories.

Kamika Bennett

Ever since I started 4-H as a Cloverbud, I’ve always been supported by many people. I want to be able to five that same support to other, younger kids. I know a lot of people are not as blessed as I am, and not many have the same opportunities. Even though I don’t have the power to give them the same opportunities as I’ve had, I can give them something that means just as much. That is support. Hopefully, I can spread the same love that I have received in the past. That is what 4-H means to me.

Lauren Thompson

What 4-H means to me? 4-H has impacted my life in many ways. I’ve made multiple new friendships, learned new activities and over became a better person from 4-H. My favorite memory is getting Grand Champion Dairy Goat 2 years in a row. Experiencing these fun exciting memories make me look forward to fair and 4-H camp. 4-H has changed me into a better well-rounded person.

Xayvion Johns

During my time in 4-H I have done many projects. My favorite project by far must be fishing. I do like livestock; however, fishing allows me to do something I love and learn more about it. Doing my fishing project, I feel that I have really improved by skills in fishing from knots to tie down to perfect locations to catch the most fish. That is why I choose fishing over my livestock. It gives me long term accomplishments.

Clayton Hooks

I like camp due to the friends I make. I loved playing Octa-ball. My favorite memory is when I did low ropes and led the team. Camp’s meaning to me is to have fun, be yourself, and maybe learn some lessons along the way.

Jake Manbevers

4-H to me means friends. I have met some of my closest friends through 4-H camp and the fair. We all bond over our likes of 4-H.

Kyler Rhonemus

I like 4-H. It helped me like the outdoors, and it got me into fishing. It also helped me hike and got me into weightlifting. My favorite memory is dog court. Those are my favorite memories.

Alison Reeves

4-H has impacted me in many ways throughout my life. When I started 4-H I looked forward to working with my animals throughout the summer. Showing pigs has taught me lots of things like responsibility and leadership. One thing that makes 4-H special to me is all the memories that I’ve made and the new friends that I have met.

Lauren Guess

4-H impacted me by allowing me to be engaged with others. Allowed me to make new friends and memories. I have learned many life lessons that have helped me make good decisions and to do the right things in situations. Camp has given me fun memories I will never forget. I never stop having fun at camp.

Cole Whiteside

Camp is one of the top events in my summer. Camp gets me outside and doing things with old and new friends. I learn a lot of things from camp, like inspiration from vespers, new skills, and better social skills. Overall, you can learn a lot of things from camp but also have a great time.

Robbie Bennett

4-H has allowed me to speak up more and make me more confident in myself. I had the time to make being a 4-H camp counselor a priority. I love mentoring young people and they are our future. Attending these meetings has allowed me to come closer with my friends and build my leadership skills. 4-H is an amazing organization. I am proud to call it a great experience.

Randon Stolzenberg

4-H has impacted me as a person. Before I started 4-H I was shy and didn’t like to talk but when I started 4-H it brought me out of my shell. My favorite thing about 4-H is the memories and friends you make along the way. You will never forget them. I also enjoy 4-H Camp with all the activities and having kids looking up to you as a role model.

Jonah Goddard

I thought that being a counselor would give me a tremendous amount of opportunity. I am excited to dive into this new experience and learn. I have never been in this leadership position before and I am pretty nervous. I hope to overcome these nerves and provide my campers with a positive experience and everlasting memories.

Pierce McCarty

4-H to me is one of the best parts of my life so far. I’ve made lifelong friends, built up relationships, and bettered myself as a person with 4-H. I also love 4-H camp and all the memories I made. I enjoy being a role model for the campers. I am glad they are happy to see me at fair.

Ella McCarty

4-H and 4-H Camp has impacted me in so many ways. I have made so many amazing friendships and learned great leadership skills. 4-H has allowed me to have a great time showing hogs and hanging out at the fair. I always look forward to going to 4-H camp each year to meet new people. I have the best time away from my family and no phone. I love getting involved at camp like the games, singing and dog court.

Alyssa Esker

To me, 4-H camp is one of the main things I look forward to every summer. I am always excited to go and get away from home for a few days. I truly love getting closer with different people from all ages that I don’t usually see and interact with daily. I love being a counselor working with younger kids who look up to all of us. The game, learning experiences, and being away from technology are great!

Mackenna Leasure

The best part about 4-H is hands down 4-H camp. I have been a counselor to older girls the last two years. I love getting to know them. They are always super sweet and funny. My favorite memory I have was literally hitting the gritty from the black top to our cabin to get out of the rain without running.

Nick Farrens

I like camp. I get to see my friends and meet new kids every year. Watching the kids grow as I am there is a very meaningful experience for me.

Corbin Melvin

The meaning of 4-H to me is described as bonding with others and being able to raise and sell animals. 4-H has been a huge part of my life as I have grown up with it and been able to show my whole life. My favorite memory was either being named Goat Showman at the county fair, or exhibiting the Reserve Champion Montadale at the Ohio State Fair when I was younger.

Abbey Noble

4-H and 4-H Camp has taught me who I am. It taught me to get out of my shell and learn that everyone deserves a chance. 4-H Camp includes everyone and gives a safe space for anyone even when they aren’t expecting it. 4-H Camp had me so scared when I first started, but now it has become my favorite summer tradition. I’ve learned so much and take away so much from 4-H camp. 4-H Camp alone has taught me lessons I will carry with me for the rest of my life. It has changed my life for the better. I will continue to cherish these memories forever.

Landon LeBeau

One big way 4-H has had an impact on me is by making new friends. I have made a few good friends through 4-H. I have also strengthened my friendships with friends that I already had. 4-H has been a way to escape life and have fun with your friends. I always remember how my counselors always made a great and positive impact on my life so that I wanted to go back.

Luke Bennett

4-H Camp has taught me to respect people. I have learned so much. 4-H is constant work and effort. I have learned that hard work and effort gets you places.

Dane Wilt

4-H means a lot to me. I was born into 4-H and have loved it since I was little. I’ve gone to camp and shown pigs. My favorite camp memory is hanging out with all by friends. It’s like a second home for me. I have fun and I feel safe. I make new friends, and camp is a huge highlight of my summer.

Eli Dunn

4-H has impacted me. It gives me a time away from drama in my life. It helps with getting stuff off my chest and connecting with friends. 4-H helps with making memories and building relationships. It has given me a time to be myself.

Madison Cory

4-H Camp is a place where you can find yourself. 4-H opened my eyes to my confidence, my ability to quickly make new friends, and my ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. 4-H camp truly is a magical place in which you may arrive without friends but leave with a family. 4-H will forever hold a place in my heart.

Allie Stoughton

To me 4-H means many things. It means 4-H Camp and the fair including a bunch of good memories. 4-H has taught me many new things like taking a new project, to stepping outside of my comfort zone by getting the opportunity to be my 4-H club President. 4-H will always be an important part of my life.

Maycin Adkins

My favorite memories have all had 4-H in them. From running around the fairgrounds with my cousins to being crowned 2022 Small Animal Queen. I have always felt at home when it comes to 4-H I am currently on my way to becoming a Veterinarian at the Ohio State University.

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