August Logos meeting set for Tuesday


Our culture is in a major identity crisis. We, as children of God, need to make sure we understand who we are and live and walk in that understanding. Our world is desperate for a group of emotionally solid people who show genuine love, who are not offended, who use wisdom in relationships, and who stand firm in what they believe.

There is only one path to becoming that kind of individual and that path is the word of God and a real relationship with Him. It is a journey that I personally want to make, surrounded by other people that want the same. We need each other for encouragement.

We will worship, pray, and study the word together at our August Logos meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 1 at 240 Courthouse Parkway in Washington C.H. I fully expect that the Holy Spirit will give us revelation, direction, and understanding on how to keep striving for spiritual maturity.

Remember to invite your family, friends, and coworkers. I would like for all of you to make a special effort to bring your pre-teen and teenage daughters and granddaughters. Everyone is welcome!

As always, at 6 p.m. we will have a free meal, cookies, and coffee, and our worship service at 7 p.m.

Child care is provided. For more information, contact 740-335-9641.

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