Fayette Co. Farmers Market set to return in May


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — The Fayette County Farmers Market is coming back with a vengeance beginning in May.

Our returning vendors and volunteers are fired up and excited to begin the market season. And while we did lose a few vendors, we are expecting some new vendors with exciting products (still a secret….but you’ll hear more in early May).

We held our annual FM association member meeting in late March. New board members were elected to a two-year term: Dennis Mosny/president, Katrina Bush/secretary, Nancy Cutter/member at large (seat #1), Gwen Laurens/community member (seat #1).

The following still have another year on their current terms: Jim Hobbs/vice president, David Persinger/treasurer, Jill Roberts/member at large (seat #2), Mandy Miller/community member (seat #2).

Most of the meeting business was fairly routine. But a shoutout was given to Gwen who updated the FCFM website, the board nominated David Persinger as market manager, and members were given their site assignments. And we had great sweets contributed by Julie Greenslade and Alana Walters.

We are still seeking Saturday morning volunteers to assist with (what may be the best farmers market in the area) set up and/or take down of the tents and tables for the info booth, kids crafts booth, and the community tent, as well as assisting customers in navigating the market. We are also looking for food trucks interested in setting up at some of the Saturday morning markets.

So, get ready, spread the word….pick a friend to volunteer with you for the whole morning or a “chunk” of the morning. Or maybe you are interested in joining our board as a community member….get in touch!

If interested, contact David Persinger at 740-606-3467.

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