Fayette SWCD announces billboard contest winners


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — The Fayette Soil & Water Conservation District, in partnership with Courtney Knisley’s fifth grade Belle Aire Intermediate School class, participated in this year’s billboard contest, “May the Forest be with you Always.”

Over 60 students learned about the importance of trees to protect soil and water resources, prevent erosion, purify contaminants, nurture healthy watersheds, provide shade, and homes and food for wildlife. Trees have many benefits and the community will see the work of the three top winners on an electronic billboard near the fairgrounds on the State Route 22 side.

The three winners were first place winner Eli Reece Terry, second place Tory Jaeckels, and third place Sloane Blakeley.

This year, the district will be assisting the City of Washington Court House tree committee in helping with the five-year project of creating a plan for planting over 200 more trees in the community with the money received from a grant. Part of the grant is for education, as well.

Follow Fayette SWCD on Facebook to find out when it will be offering classes on young tree pruning and tree identification. There is still plenty of time to plant a tree this spring or fall. Start reimaging your outdoor space and plant a tree.

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