Supporters of local fire departments recognized


The Washington Fire Department houses the Fayette County Box65 Scene Support vehicle and personnel at the Market Street location. Fayette County Box65 works under the auspices of the Circleville Box 65 Rehab Support, Pickaway County.

Recently, the combined Box 65/Box65 Christmas Party was held in Circleville. During the event, the announcement was made that local lieutentant, Brian W. Crooks, was promoted to captain, and Wayne Turner was promoted to lieutenant of the Fayette County unit. Turner also received the Paul Knisley Award for Fayette County for his service on Box65.

Paul D. Knisley was a lieutenant with the Circleville Box 65 who died Oct. 24, 2021. A meritorious award for dedicated service was established after his death.

Box65 provides scene support to all Fayette County fire departments when any large fire strikes the area. The Box 65 provides a safe place for firefighters to get rested and refreshed at a fire scene.

Box65 receives donations from different entities and individuals in the county to maintain its supplies of water, Gatorade, snacks, cookies, crackers, handiwipes, etc. These are all needed items when they set up the rest area for firefighters fighting fires in shifts. Any donations may be made to Box65 at the Washington Fire Department.

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