Local student wins billboard contest


The Ross, Pickaway, Highland and Fayette (RPHF) Solid Waste District recently held a creative drawing billboard contest for all fifth graders in the four-county district, with the winning billboard (one per county) to be displayed in April of this year in observance of Earth Day on April 22.

The Fayette County winner was fifth grader Kamri Reno from Miami Trace Elementary in Ms. McClaskey’s class.

“I hope the billboard encourages people to recycle and make the world a better place,” said Reno.

The rules stated that only fifth grade students in Ross, Pickaway, Highland and Fayette counties could participate, and home schooled students were welcome to participate. Students had to use the drawing template provided, the drawing template needed to be printed on legal size paper (8.5×14), the drawing had to complete all criteria listed on the directions sheet and meet all deadlines.

The directions were to design a billboard that will remind people in their county to be Earth-friendly. Students had to use topics related to the three R’s (reduce, reuse and recycle) and/or litter prevention. They were advised to keep the design simple so that people will be able to read the board as they are driving by in their car. Students could use markers, crayons, or colored pencils, but no glue or tape. Computer designs were not accepted and any entries with spelling errors were disqualified.

The prizes for the winners included a billboard to be displayed in the winner’s county, a trophy, and a $25 gift card for the winner and their teacher.

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