Corner of Hope: Our own beacon of light


It’s been one of those terrible, horrible, very bad, no good days. You get home and turn on the news just to see disaster and despair when all you want to see, now, is some glimpse of humanity, some little spark of hope. Turn off your television, put down the cell phone, and take a short drive to 420 W. Oakland Ave, right here in Washington Court House, and you’ll find the Second Chance Center of Hope, our own beaming beacon of light.

Chiquita Nash, the program director, had a vision for a place where people could be given that glimmer of hope that can change lives, and with some help from others, made it happen. Chiquita has stated, “It is the mission of Second Chance Center of Hope to create a better life for the homeless, victims of domestic violence and low to moderate risk probation clients. We will assist clients through referrals from Washington Court House Municipal Court, Common Pleas Court, Adult Probation Authority, and Community Action. Our goal is to help guide them to resources that will enable them to see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

Second Chance Center of Hope has been assisting members of the community since March of 2019, like the first family who came to the center in search of that illusive nonjudgmental hand up to a brighter future. The couple were homeless, recovering addicts who are currently about to celebrate a full year of sobriety together in March, and now share a cozy home. They have said that they are grateful for the trust the center put in them, stating that it has been a large part of what kept them from stumbling many times.

Chiquita, and her hardworking staff of volunteers and interns, proudly work in conjunction with the other agencies, organizations and businesses of Washington Court House to better serve our community. Throughout the past year, the team has hosted many enjoyable fundraisers such as dinner at Chipotle, an ice cream social and holds a monthly basket raffle. This month the center is selling adorable Valentine’s Day mugs filled with candy or cookies for just $5.

Second Chance Center of Hope graciously welcomes and encourages those who would like to volunteer just a bit of their time to help the less fortunate among us, and to help the center continue to provide more services. Chiquita and her volunteer staff are currently offering a tax filing service, free of charge, to those calling to schedule an appointment. The center also features a clothing room and food pantry that eligible families and individuals are assisted from once per month. For eligible clients, there is also a laundry room for use, as well as a large community room with a television and a vast array of books and learning materials.

Now, as you know, Punxsutawney Phil has predicted an early spring, but Jack Frost has not headed back up north just yet. Homeless families who are vulnerable members of our community are at a greater risk on these cold bitter nights still upon us. To help alleviate this risky situation, Second Chance Center of Hope is in need of candles, metal coffee cans, easy open food items such as Vienna Sausages or pull-top Chef Boyardee, matches, along with monetary donations for cost of operation, and to help provide them with a warm motel room for a night, when necessary.

Chiquita Nash, along with the volunteers and interns, would like to offer a special thanks and blessings to all current and future donors. If you have any questions, would like to donate, volunteer, or just come for that little spark of hope, please contact:

Center of Hope

420 W Oakland Avenue

Washington C H, OH 43160


[email protected]

Chiquita Nash – Program Director

By Dai Parsons

Contributing Columnist

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