Consider becoming a Selective Service board member


Dear Editor,

As a local Fayette County Selective Service board member, I am proud to give back to this community and my country. I decided to become one of more than 11,000 volunteer citizen board members across the country nearly 10 years ago because it’s a way I can continue to serve this community.

There isn’t a draft now, and it’s very unlikely there will be one in the foreseeable future. If there is, volunteer board members like me across the country stand ready to make sure that the men who would be chosen to serve are selected in a fair and equitable manner.

For that to happen, local boards need to reflect the diversity and values of our community. Therefore, Selective Service strives to recruit board members from all walks of life.

Becoming a Selective Service board member is not complicated; if you are a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old, and not an active or retired member of the Armed Forces or Reserves, you are eligible to apply. The online application on the Selective Service website ( is quick and easy.

If you are looking for a way to give back to your community and your country in a profound way, consider becoming a Selective Service board member.


Myron E. Priest

Selective Service board member