The Trumpet Sounds: ‘Summer is about to end’


Well it’s that time of year again. Summer is wrapping up and the kids will be heading back to school soon. For us parents, this should also be a time to challenge our minds, hearts, and bodies. Many people skip church often during the summer, and Bible studies seem to be a memory of the past. We tend to go into a relaxed summer mode of our own (a spiritual vacation). We skip our morning Bible devotion, replace church with a trip or a summer activity, and we tend to cut down on our prayer time.

Although a season of rest is good for us, it’s never advisable to take a vacation away from God. I am ever so grateful that He is a 24/7 God who sticks with us throughout all four seasons. Imagine the destruction and devastation that Satan would inflict on the world and our lives if God took the summer off! We wouldn’t be here now, that’s for certain.

So here’s my advice to you. Take this new surge of energy that comes with the cooler weather, and our kids return to school and tap into it. Make sure that you get up every Sunday morning to worship the Lord who created you, redeemed you and provides for you. He deserves at least one morning of our busy schedules! Beyond going to church each Sunday, that’s the bare bones minimum, there are all kinds of fall Bible studies and small groups starting up soon.

Connect with other people and learn from their experiences and also share your own. It’s comforting to know that other people have struggled and continue to struggle with the same problems you face. It’s not good to be alone, God created us to be in fellowship with other Christians.

Not to sound like a broken record – but I will because it’s that important – set aside regular quiet time with the Lord each day. Get a good daily devotional to guide you through the Bible. Read the Bible each day and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Then spend some time in prayer – worshipping or simply talking to your Lord. He’s a 24/7 God remember? He’s always there for us and He wants to fellowship with you. There is no better time spent than one-on-one time with our Savior, Jesus.

So for all of us, kids and parents alike, it’s time to go back to school. Keeping God in the equation is a sure pathway to a successful school year. We would love to have you come worship with us at 10:45 on Sundays. You’ll be greeted with a smile and offered a fresh cup of coffee. We have classes for children of all ages as well!

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8

By Barry Pettit

Lead Pastor, South Side Church of Christ