Miller elected as MT BOE president


David Miller will serve as president of the Miami Trace Local Schools Board of Education for the second straight year, and Jacklyn Farrens will serve as vice president.

Ryan Carter | Record-Herald photo

For the second year in a row, David Miller has been elected as president of the Miami Trace Local Schools Board of Education.

Miller, who is beginning his 17th year as a board member, was approved as president for the 2023 calendar year by his colleagues at Monday’s organizational meeting — the first board meeting of the new year. Jacklyn Farrens, who is serving in her first term on the board, was elected as vice president.

Board members were appointed to the following committees for 2023: Athletics – Rob Dawson and Farrens; Communications – Farrens; Curriculum – Dawson and Farrens; Facilities – Bruce Kirkpatrick and Miller; Legislative Liaison – Miller; Negotiations – Charlie Andrews and Miller; OSBA Student Achievement Liaison – Andrews; Personnel – Farrens and Kirkpatrick; Insurance – Andrews and Miller; and Finance – Miller and Farrens.

In other business:

Based upon the recommendation of district treasurer Cari Wilson, the board established a service fund of $2 per pupil.

Based upon the recommendation of Miami Trace Superintendent Kim Pittser, the board approved the creation of a Powerlifting Club at the high school and will recognize it as a school-approved club. Jerry Williams and Jacob Garringer were approved as powerlifting club advisors/coaches. No transportation will be provided by the district and all entry fees associated with participation are the responsibility of the individual participants.

The board approved the Reading Camp teachers (employed on Dec. 12) to begin camp planning and preparation services, effective Jan. 10 (up to 18 hours per teacher). All reading camp services will be paid for with Title 1A funds.

Pittser also announced that a “state of the district” video address will be released on the Miami Trace website beginning the week of Jan. 23. At 5 p.m. each evening, the address will be released in four segments— each one running five to seven minutes. The four segments are broken down into topics: academics, health & wellness, career exploration, and finances.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 23 at 5:30 p.m. at the central office.

Reach Record-Herald Editor Ryan Carter at 740-313-0352.