Fayette County Retired Teachers talk solar eclipse


The Fayette County Retired Teachers met at Grace Methodist Church on April 4. Since this was prior to the big event, they were treated to a mini-lecture on the solar eclipse set to lay down a shadow path of totality across the USA (right through WCH to the 99th percent) on April 8.

It was after a lot of great gabbing, and a chicken-something excellent meal, that Rebecca Whitney and Elise Garringer presented the group with quite a bit of eclipse information (various degrees of retention happening). Hopefully the community enjoyed their time with special glasses on what turned out to be a warm and spectacular sunny afternoon for eclipse-viewing.

In two years, there will be another total eclipse in Iceland, so those interested can book their flight now.

President Susan Shuler opened the business meeting. Helen Henson presented information on the scholarships, and Dick Glass spoke on the happenings (snail-paced) at STRS. Glass also mentioned a couple events coming up soon at Grace: on April 20 the Capriccio Jubilee singers concert, and on May 18 the Fayette Community Chorale concert (1960’s, 1970’s songs). Dick and Maggie Glass have info on tickets and details.

Lucky winners of the eclipse t-shirts were Bob Crouse (Nancy’s guest), Alice Craig, Linda Bernard, and Maggie Glass. Mark June 6 down for the next retired teachers’ meeting at our usual place and time.

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