Restaurant Inspections


Fayette County Public Health recently released the following restaurant inspections:

January 29

Court House Manor, 555 N Glenn Ave. Follow-up inspection. Violations/ comments: several drinking glasses were found inside of the Derby kitchenette cabinet with food residue. Food contact surfaces must be cleaned to sight and touch to prevent contamination. The tray of glasses were removed from the cabinet to be rewashed. The pantry’s ice machine is now clean however, all of the other ice machines still contain mold residue in the AB and CD pantries. No personal items found in food preparation areas. All ice scoopers were positioned where the handles were out of the ice. According to the person in charge of the cafe area, the cabinets and drawers are sanitized weekly. The cabinets now appeared clean and is okay to store disposable items inside. All food equipment and utensils must be stored in clean dry locations. the plastic coffee mugs that were stained or scratched were not observed in the kitchenettes. The overall cleanliness of the non-food contact surfaces is now satisfactory. Thank you.

El Canon Restaurant, 1381 Leesburg Ave. Follow-up inspection. Violations/ comments: no personal items found at the food preparation area. the dish washer machine is now provided with soap and sanitizer. The sanitizer concentration was between 50-100 ppm. The cook was observed wearing gloves while shucking shrimp inside of kitchen area. No observation of hand washing at this time.

January 28

Capuanas Courtview Delicatessen, 149 N Main St. Pre-licensing inspection. violations/ comments: the storage room floor where the commercial cooler and freezer are stored, is not smooth and easily cleanable. Broken tiles and missing tiles were observed. According to the person in charge, an order was placed to have the floors done. The correct test strips were not provided for the chemical sanitizer for ware-washing and sanitizing equipment. Concentration of the sanitizing solution must be accurately determined by using a test kit or other device. No hand-wash sign provided at the hand-washing sink located in main kitchen. A sign that notifies food employees to wash their hands must be provided at all hand-washing sinks used by food employees. No covered waste receptacle provided in the restroom to be used by women. A closed waste receptacle must be provided for sanitary napkins. A missing ceiling tile observed inside of the staffs restroom. The facility must be maintained in good repair.

January 27

El Canon Restaurant, 1381 Leesburg Ave. Standard and Critical Control Point (FSO) inspections. Violations/ comments: the cook was observed handling money and other personal items immediately before returning to prepare food. Food employees must wash their hands in between tasks and whenever the hands are contaminated. The cook was stopped in the beginning of preparation and asked to wash hands prior to handling food. The cook proceeded to washing hands inside the preparation (food) sink and was stopped again and was told to use the hand-wash sink. The cook did comply by washing hands, prior to donning gloves. A food employee’s personal items, such as money, charger, vitamins and medicine were found stored on a kitchen shelf above the small food preparation cooler. Personal items must be stored separately from food preparation areas to prevent contamination. These items were removed and separated from the food preparation area immediately. Drink cups found stored stacked while wet. After cleaning and sanitizing, food contact surfaces must be air dried. Food containers found inside of dish washer that was not provided with soap or sanitizer. According to the person in-charge, the supplies for the dish washer do not arrive until tomorrow and that they are using the three-compartment ware wash sinks. When asked to set up the ware wash sink, it was not set up properly. A tub of soap, rinse aid and sanitizer was found near the dish washer. Food equipment and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized. The kitchen walls were found with soil accumulation. Non-food contact surfaces must be cleaned as often as necessary to prevent soil accumulation.The person-in-charge is not certified in food safety and is not knowledgeable of critical control points. The person in charge must ensure that their employees are trained in food safety. Knowledge and responsibility: the person in charge is not trained in food safety. The facility does have a level one and level two certification however, neither one was present at the time of inspection. Critical violations were present.

Roller Haven, 1640 US 22 NW. Standard and Critical Control Point (FSO) inspections. Violations/ comments: mold residue found in the ice machine. Food contact surfaces must be cleaned to sight and touch. The ice machine was cleaned during the inspection. Taro meat and cheese found without date markings inside of the reach-in cooler. All food kept in the food establishment more than 24 hours must be date marked. These items were date marked during the inspection. Food residue found in the kitchen cabinet. Non-food contact surfaces must be cleaned at a frequency necessary to prevent soil accumulation. The cabinet was cleaned during the inspection. No hot water provided at the hand-wash sinks inside of the restrooms. Hot water of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit must be provided to all hand-wash sinks. Knowledge and responsibility: the person in charge is certified in food safety however, a few critical violations were present. These critical violations were corrected on sight. Thank you.