Two Grace UMC Lenten Luncheons remain


The Lenten Luncheons of Grace United Methodist Church began 50 years ago, in 1969, when Methodist women introduced the idea as a church service project for the entire Christian community in Fayette County. Today, the third generation still carries on the tradition, an effort that easily can involve meals for more than 130 guests.

They determine menus, up-size the selected recipes (some recipes are third-generation as well) to the desired proportions, and shop for groceries; then three alternating teams of cooks prepare the food. Church members of both sexes help with the serving and thus act as a “face” of Grace United Methodist Church to locals from many different church congregations.

On this fourth Thursday of the Lenten season, Pastor Gray Marshall from First Presbyterian Church spoke animatedly on the 2019 series’ topic: “The Cross-Shaped Life: Living Like Jesus.” He donned life vest and floaties to illustrate Jesus’ instructions to leave the safer shallow waters and go out into the peril-filled Deep, comparing that to leaving the cozy security of one’s church building and going out to face the problems and chaos of the community. (He even managed to point out the relevance of the Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper duet performed both in the newest version of the movie “A Star Is Born” and during the Oscars.)

Marshall concluded with “God is going to meet us out there in the Deep and do amazing, transformational things.”

Two remaining Lenten Luncheons are scheduled this year, on the Thursday noons of April 4 and April 11. Anyone wishing a reservation may telephone the church by the previous Friday.

The March 28 Lenten Luncheon speaker, First Presbyterian’s Pastor Gray Marshall, stands behind a lectern holding a sign publicizing a free orchestra concert on March 31 for the community. Funds for the concert came from a trust established in the will of a longtime First Presbyterian leader, Perse Harlow. March 28 Lenten Luncheon speaker, First Presbyterian’s Pastor Gray Marshall, stands behind a lectern holding a sign publicizing a free orchestra concert on March 31 for the community. Funds for the concert came from a trust established in the will of a longtime First Presbyterian leader, Perse Harlow. Photo courtesy of Alice Craig

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