Jeff Library celebrates Mickey Mouse’s 90th birthday


Jeffersonville Branch Library was the place to be to celebrate Mickey Mouse’s 90th birthday.

Those attending created their very own Mickey Mouse ears, played Quacky Hoopla, Musical Mickey, Mickey Mouse bowling, fished for Mickey’s ears and treasure hunted for Pluto’s bones.

Those who enjoyed the event were Braeden (seen here posing with Mickey), Cali, Kenley, Kayliana, Paisley, Gabriella, Sam and Annabel.

Jeffersonville Branch Library was the place to be to celebrate Mickey Mouse’s 90th birthday. Branch Library was the place to be to celebrate Mickey Mouse’s 90th birthday.

Those attending created their very own Mickey Mouse ears, played Quacky Hoopla, Musical Mickey, Mickey Mouse bowling, fished for Mickey’s ears and treasure hunted for Pluto’s bones. attending created their very own Mickey Mouse ears, played Quacky Hoopla, Musical Mickey, Mickey Mouse bowling, fished for Mickey’s ears and treasure hunted for Pluto’s bones.

Those who enjoyed the event were Braeden (seen here posing with Mickey), Cali, Kenley, Kayliana, Paisley, Gabriella, Sam and Annabel. who enjoyed the event were Braeden (seen here posing with Mickey), Cali, Kenley, Kayliana, Paisley, Gabriella, Sam and Annabel.