Logos meeting set for Tuesday


If your life is defined by sadness and struggle, hopelessness is the issue. Human beings have to have hope and expectation to have joy. Without hope there is nothing left but depression and darkness.

I don’t know very many people, if any, who haven’t dealt with, or are presently dealing with hopelessness. If you feel like this describes you at times, possibly someone you love, or maybe someone you are acquainted with, make an effort to spread the word, invite, and be at our next Logos meeting. We will hit this subject head on from a Biblical perspective and come up with some answers.

It would be amazing to have the auditorium full and see the darkness give way to light, the heaviness lifted, and hopelessness turn into joy. I am expecting it!

I realize your schedules are full but Tuesday evening, Nov. 6, you might need to decide what will add more value and healing to you and your family and make that the priority. The Logos meeting begins at 7 p.m. at Washington High School’s Liberty Hall, 1200 Willard St. in Washington C.H.

Happy hour with homemade cookies and coffee begins at 6 p.m. Child care is provided. For more information call 740335-9641.


By Candy Pfeifer

Religion Writer

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