“Team X-man,” a family of local residents raising money to help the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), will be holding the second of two “Shoot for the Cure” events next week.
The second-annual Shoot for a Cure golf outing will be held on Aug. 5 at Buckeye Hills Country Club in Greenfield with check-in at 9:30 a.m. and tee time at 10 a.m. For this event, Turner is encouraging community members to find three of their best golfer friends and enter the team to help raise money for the cure. The registration forms are available at Buckeye Hills or from Turner, and should be returned with each golfer’s name and an enclosed registration fee of $240 ($60 per player). The ticket includes participation in the event, a meal, cart and door prize entry.
“Doug Marine Motors will be donating a Jeep for a Hole-in-One contest during the event,” Turner said. “Other hole contests will have gift cards and other prizes to win as well.”
Additionally, Turner is asking the community to sponsor a hole for $100, which includes advertisements to be displayed at the tee box and recognition on lunch tables. Sponsors are invited the day of the event to participate at the tee and provide promo gifts or setup games the day of the event.
Organized by Turner, Team X-man — led by he and his wife — has been working for years to raise money in an attempt to find a cure for muscular dystrophy (MD). Their grandson, Xavier Swiger, a 9-year-old Miami Trace student, has been suffering from MD for several years, and Turner said Xavier travels regularly to Children’s Hospital. It was because of him that the family decided to form team “X-Man” to support not only Xavier, but all children suffering from MD.
“The first three years of fundraising, we raised about $3,500 each year,” Turner said. “Last year, thanks to the support from Fayette County, we raised $8,077.19. This year we are hoping to break $10,000 and have currently raised around $3,000 to $4,000.”