Getting Ahead: ‘When time runs out to prepare for something’


I remember the times when I was in high school and failed to start preparing for a test in a timely manner. I would get this knot in my stomach as the testing time drew near; which was usually the night before. I would then have to stay up half the night and work as hard as I could to learn the material necessary to pass the test.

One might think that after a time or two of that pressure, I would learn a lesson and prepare for my test well ahead of time. Unfortunately that was not the case. It happened time and again.

As I look back I realize that preparing for the test took second place to many other activities that I wanted to do. They were not as important as the test, but I prioritized them ahead of it. Therefore the test was well down my list of “to do” items. It was the most important thing I had to do but I did not give it its proper place.

I find as an adult that the same thing happens. There are things that come up and get pushed aside that really do need our attention. Though it is not a test, and may not have to be done tomorrow, it is something that should be at the top of our “to do” list.

These things usually have consequences that do not show up immediately. As a matter of fact, some of them are much later in life. These are the things that can go by unnoticed for many years, then one day the price must be paid.

Do you have things in your life that are out of order on your “to do” list? How do we know which things should be moved up and paid attention to? Can these things be retrieved once they are gone? Could time be running out on some very important things that we need to do?

These and other life questions will be addressed Sunday morning as “The Gathering Place Family” meets in the Washington Junior High School Library for Bible Study at 9 a.m. and in the gymnasium at 10 a.m. for our Pre-Service Connection where we enjoy coffee, juice and donuts. Our Worship Service and Children’s Church then begins at 10:30. Come at 7 p.m. and be part of our Wednesday night Bible Study and Children’s Ministry on the third floor above Trends at 120 W. Court St. in Washington Court House.

By John G. Pfeifer

Religion Columnist

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