MT 7th grade girls win FAC regular season title


The Miami Trace seventh grade girls basketball team, coached by Jeff King, completed the 2017-18 season as champions of the inaugural year of the FAC league.

On Jan. 25, the Lady Panthers defeated the Washington Lady Blue Lions, 36-17.

Leading the scoring was Hillary Jacobs with 10 points.

Hillary McCoy and Haleigh Moore each scored eight points, Mallory Lovett had seven points, Kennedy Kingery scored two points and Gracey Ferguson had one point.

On Jan. 29, the Lady Panthers lost a hard-fought game in overtime to the Greenfield Lady Tigers, 27-23.

Mallory Lovett led Miami Trace with 10 points. Hillary Jacobs scored five points, Gracey Ferguson had four points and Haleigh Moore and Hillary McCoy each added two points.

Other team members contributing to this successful season are Katie Hicks, Audrey Craig, Kimberly Fisher and Jana Griffith.

The Panthers ended their season 9-1 in the league and 14-2 overall.

The Panthers defeated Chillicothe and lost to Washington Court House to claim second place in the league tournament.

2017-18 MIAMI TRACE 7TH GRADE BASKETBALL TEAM — (front, l-r); Katie Hicks, Audrey Craig, Hillary McCoy; (back, l-r) Kennedy Kingery, Kymberly Fisher, Jana Griffith, Hillary Jacobs, Haleigh Moore, Gracey Ferguson and Mallory Lovett. Not pictured; coach Jeff King. MIAMI TRACE 7TH GRADE BASKETBALL TEAM — (front, l-r); Katie Hicks, Audrey Craig, Hillary McCoy; (back, l-r) Kennedy Kingery, Kymberly Fisher, Jana Griffith, Hillary Jacobs, Haleigh Moore, Gracey Ferguson and Mallory Lovett. Not pictured; coach Jeff King.

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