Fayette County YouthBuild explores careers


On Monday, Sept. 25, YouthBuild participants got a first-hand look at lucrative career options.

Three hundred fifty-two steps! That’s what it took to get to the black belly of the Deer Creek Dam and back to sunlight. “It was worth it!” panted YouthBuild participant, Olivia Bennett.

Park ranger Scott Kraynak explained the details of how the dam keeps area residents safe, adjusting water levels as needed. He also gave helpful tips to those interested in working in the natural resources area. “It is nice being outside and doing something different every day,” he shared.

Participants then headed to the Deer Creek Lodge, where they observed all areas of hospitality positions. They were told many of the jobs required small amounts of schooling, yet offered lots of opportunity to move up into a rewarding career. Currently hospitality wages run from approximately $26,000 a year to a whopping $150,000 and more if you are willing to work hard.

“It would be cool to be a bartender, “said YB participant, Brandon Jude. He was surprised at all the knowledge that position required. One student, Christian Cunningham, who is already cooking at a local restaurant, was wowed at the wages a high-end chef can earn.

At the end of a long walking day, participants were greatly rewarded as Bill Griffin, a Deer Creek manager, invited the students to swim and enjoy the hot tub. Participants left tired but with a better understanding of two important career opportunities offered right here in the Fayette County area.

Fayette County YouthBuild is still accepting applications. If you are 18-24, want to work on a GED, receive leadership and construction training, this free program may be just what you need. Call 740-335-7282 to join in the next field trip!

Members of Fayette County YouthBuild recently visited the Deer Creek Dam and Deer Creek Lodge to learn about career opportunities.
http://www.recordherald.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2017/09/web1_IMG_2010.jpgMembers of Fayette County YouthBuild recently visited the Deer Creek Dam and Deer Creek Lodge to learn about career opportunities.

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