The New Holland United Methodist Women held their meeting Oct. 4 at the church. Ann Thompson, president, welcomed all and read “Lord Make Me Appreciative.”
“Secret Offerings,” written by Janette Levellie was the devotion given by Samantha Dunham, followed by prayer. The secretary’s report was given by Betsy McFadden, and Pat Taylor gave the treasurer’s report.
The slate of officers for 2017 was presented by the committee and approved. The new slate of officers is: president Ann Thompson, vice president Kay Oughterson, secretary Betsy McFadden, treasurer Pat Taylor, spiritual growth Janet Kirkpatrick, social action Samantha Dunham, membership nurture & outreach Pat Overly, program resources Shirley Tarbill, nominations committee Jodi Kirkpatrick and Nancy Davis, communication coordinator Ann Thompson, historian Jodi Kirkpatrick, and sunshine Pat Taylor.
They will be installed at the Dec. 7 meeting.
Samantha Dunham presented a great program on “Go Givers.”
Delicious refreshments were served by Janet Kirkpatrick and Kay Oughterson.
Oughterson closed the meeting with prayer.
The next meeting will be Nov. 1 at the church at 2:30 p.m.. Devotions were by Janet Kirkpatrick and the program by Pat Taylor was “World Thank Offering,” and other United Methodist Women’s projects.