The New Holland United Methodist Women meet at the church June 14 for their regular meeting.
Ann Thompson, president, opened the meeting with the reading, “Keep God’s glory upper most in our minds.” Janet Kirkpatrick gave “Changes in Life” devotions. She passed out cards on happy moments, difficult moments, quiet moments, painful moments, every moments, and praise God.
The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were presented. The group voted not to have a July meeting. The Aug. 2 meeting will start at 12:30 p.m. with a potluck dinner. The chicken will be provided by Pat Overly and members are to bring side dishes.
Pat Taylor presented the program, “The Face of Peace.” Matthew 5:9 was read. Those present participated by making lists of how we can help bring peace and shared them with the group. Pat Overly read “Life of Esther in Bible Time.” Janet Kirkpatrick read “Life of Abigal.”
Those present participated by making lists of how we can help bring peace and shared their lists with those present. The Closing Litany from Psalm 43: 1,3-4,6,8,12-14 was led by Ann Thompson.
Prayer was given by Pat Taylor and the singing of the hymn, “Let There Be Peace on Earth,” closed the meeting.
This article was submitted by the New Holland United Methodist Women.