Extraterrestrial UFOs are real — Wow!


Carl Sagan must be turning over in his grave.

Unidentified flying objects that did not come from Earth are real, according to former Pentagon official Luis Elizondo, whom The New York Times interviewed Dec. 16.

Elizondo isn’t the first official to substantiate UFO claims: Astronauts, pilots and other personnel in the government have spoken out about the existence of unidentified flying aircraft that exhibit other-worldly phenomena unknown to anything a country on Earth has the capabilities to develop.

Elizondo told The New York Times that he resigned from the Pentagon’s investigative program studying UFOs because he said the information should not be kept secret from the public.

The Pentagon confirmed to The New York Times that they allocated $22 million to fund the UFO investigatory work, known as the “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.”

Despite its classification as top secret, UFOs are widely accepted and talked about by citizens of the United States. There are more Americans who believe in UFOs than in climate change, evolution and vaccines, according to recent polls.

Former Wright-Patterson Air Force engineer Raymond Szymanksi published the book, “Fifty Shades of Greys,”that is reported to detail much of what has happened around UFOs and aliens in Dayton.

Long before Szymanksi published the book, there was a legendary tale told in Clinton County in the 1990s. The story was that a UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico and the government moved the bodies of the alleged aliens into a building at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Air Force Museum visitors would point and stare at the building which is visible from the parking lot at the museum. Adults talked in low voices about a series of circular hallways in the building that led to encapsulated tombs holding the aliens, which everybody believed were dead from the crash.

According to Elizondo’s interview with The New York Times, part of the $22 million set aside for the “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” was used to make a storage space for studying alien metal alloys that did not originate from any country on Earth.

Following the release of that interview, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson was not impressed. He told as much to CNN, and said, “Call me when you have a dinner invite from an alien.”

But physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking doesn’t think that would be a very good idea. His advice to the world is that any potential alien life visiting Earth may not come in peace, after all. Any such cosmic visitors might be looking for a new planet to exploit. They might come for us, Hawking told the Discovery Channel.

What were we thinking, taking space craft and little green men and placing them into a vault at Wright-Patt? Wouldn’t their friends come looking for them? Isn’t there a Missing Alien alert issued throughout the never-ending Universe? A full fleet of intergalactic cyborgs could be here any minute to reclaim their fallen comrades. As a journalist, I hope someone calls me to tell me when this happens so that I can film it. The public deserves to know.

The next reasonable step is that photographs and videos of the alien metal alloys reclaimed by the Pentagon’s investigation will be released to the public.

In the meantime, deGrasse said someone definitely needs to be looking into those UFO claims. I agree.

In 1977, a radio telescope at the Ohio State University picked up an extraterrestrial signal from deep outer-space. The message said, ‘Wow!’

Wow, indeed.

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By Ashley Bunton

Staff Columnist

Ashley may be contacted by email at [email protected], or by calling (740) 313-0355, or connect on Twitter by searching Twitter.com for @ashbunton

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