Fixing regulation to bring jobs back


Under the Obama Administration, businesses in the United States have faced unprecedented regulations that have stifled job growth in our communities. In fact, during the first seven years of the Administration, 556 new major regulations were placed on the shoulders of individuals and businesses. Even worse, these regulations were often brought down by unelected agency officials without approval or accountability from Congress. This pattern of regulation must be changed to promote job creation and get our economy back on track.

In the first few weeks of the 115th Congress, the House of Representatives has already taken action to rein-in onerous federal regulations, cut red tape and provide relief to job creators. The Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act was passed in the House on January 5. If signed into law, this legislation will require federal agencies to submit major regulations to Congress for approval before they can go into effect. The bill also requires quick action from Congress to create certainty and accountability in the regulatory system.

The House continued this effort in the second week of the new Congress by passing the Regulatory Accountability Act. This legislation aims to increase transparency in the rulemaking process by requiring federal agencies to publish online information about new proposed regulations, as well as the expected cost and timing of implementation. Moreover, this information is required to be published in plain-language so individuals and businesses can actually understand how the regulations could affect them. Agencies are also required to account for the impact any new rules could have on small businesses, and look for ways to reduce them.

Small businesses are the backbone of our communities, and these bills represent the first few steps to improving our regulatory system to make it easier for businesses to be successful and create jobs. As your representative in Congress, it will continue to be one of my top priorities to make responsible reforms to the regulatory system and bring jobs back to our country.

As we continue to address issues affecting businesses and jobs in the 115th Congress, I look forward to hearing from you. If I can ever be of any assistance, or if you have concerns about this or other issues facing the federal government, I invite you to contact me in my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-2015, my Hilliard office at (614) 771-4968, my Lancaster office at (740) 654-2654, or in my Wilmington office at (937) 283-7049. You can also follow me through my e-newsletter at

By Congressman Steve Stivers

Steve Stivers is a member of Congress from Ohio’s 15th Congressional District.

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