Getting Ahead: ‘I bring you joy’


“Don’t be afraid. I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all the people.”

These are the words spoken by the angel that was announcing the birth of Jesus to the shepherds. They were powerful words that would change the course of mankind.

A point in history that would change men’s minds from thinking that our enemies had to be destroyed by the wrath of God, to the possibility that our enemies can be converted through the love of God. A shift from destruction to conversion.

Through God’s mercy we are experiencing His love once again. The COVID vaccine is being shipped and received all around our country and around the world. Something that seemed like a dream just a few weeks ago is actually happening. “Good news that brings great joy!” How fortunate we are to now have this available to us. All wisdom comes from above and God has poured out His wisdom on many people who joined together to formulate this life saving vaccine.

We must celebrate what is happening right before our eyes. We must be grateful for the blessing that God has seen fit to give us. His gift to us 2,000 years ago was His son Jesus who would open the way into His very throne room where we can actually have a conversation with the creator of the universe. His gift to us this Christmas is a vaccine that will ease tortured minds and heal broken bodies. We have a good, good Father in Heaven who wants the best for His children.

Sickness and sin came into mankind through the fall of the first Adam. Forgiveness of sin and healing came through the second Adam; who was Jesus.

As I witnessed the Christmas star this year, I was reminded again of the proclamation the angel made to the shepherds: “Don’t be afraid. I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all the people.” That message is for us today! God has even sent us a sign that has not been seen for 400 years. Jesus said: “Do not worry or be afraid, I am with you always.” NOW CELEBRATE HIS GOODNESS TO US ALL.

Merry Christmas from all of the people at The Gathering Place Church. Join in our celebration every Sunday morning at 10:30 and Wednesday evening at 7.

Pastor John Pfeifer

By John G. Pfeifer

Religion Writer

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