The Trumpet Sounds: ‘The right support systems’


Throughout the month of August at South Side we have talked about specific ways we can predict our personal future by making specific personal changes. In case you haven’t been able to read this article each week I want to summarize what we’ve covered in previous weeks. In our first week, we talked about how to make sure we begin with the right thought. We must take every thought captive and making sure it agrees with the word of God with the help of the Holy Spirit. The second week we talked about how to make sure we have the wisdom to make the right choices. Making the right choices comes from praying for wisdom, seeking counsel, and through experience. Last week, we talked about how to make sure we take the right action. We talked about how we need a plan of action in order to put into action the right thought and choices. I believe the word of God teaches us that all these things work together to develop habits that determine our outcomes in the future.

As we continue to apply the process we’ve been talking about from the word of God, I believe we will absolutely need a support system along the way. It is vital that we have the right support system in order for us to have long lasting habits. This is true in any area of our lives, especially spiritually. For example, in order to have long lasting spiritual habits we will need the support of one another. In the book of Hebrews the Spirit of God guided the writer to put down these words to inform us the power of a support system: “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24–25) I want you to notice that this is not done “alone” but rather together!

Now please understand that as we progress in our journey to change for a better future that we will probably become discouraged somewhere along the way. Remember, change is hard. It is doubtful that our action plan will always go smoothly. We will sleep in some morning, and miss spending time with God. We will skip exercising for some reason. We will eat something we shouldn’t have eaten. We will make an impulsive buy, or we will miss our support group after a long exhausting day. That is why it is vital that we have 5 specific relationships in order to help us along our journey. In their book entitled “Connecting” Robert Clinton and Paul Stanley describe different types of relationships we need to build in our lives. They teach us that we all need: a spiritual friend, a devoted disciple, a coach, a counselor, and the help of the Holy Spirit. These relationships impact us on our journey to change in many different ways.

This Sunday at South Side we will unpack through the word of God these specific support systems as well as how to measure our progress along the way. Worship begins at 10:15, and our Children’s Ministry offers children’s classes for all ages. We are continuing to practice social distancing at our services. If you are unable to attend our online services will be available at 3 on Facebook and our website. If you would like to give generously text: 84321 then the word “help” and follow the simple instructions. We would love to have your family worship with us! For more information visit us on our website at: or on Facebook.

In Christ,

Barry Pettit

Lead Pastor

South Side Church of Christ

By Barry Pettit

Religion Writer

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