Logos meeting returns on Tuesday


It is good to get back to our normal Logos meetings. The last time we met was March 3, 2020. I hope to see all of you back to worship together. Through this time the scripture that instructs us not to forsake coming together (Hebrews 10:25) has become much more understandable. It instructs us to consider (fully behold) one another in order to stir up love and good works.

The Hebrew writer understands that relationships are about physically being together. God wired us that way. We are instructed to “exhort” one another, which is translated “to invite, to call near, to comfort,” and SO MUCH MORE, as you see the Day approaching, which is the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!

I believe God has given me a message about His love for humanity, the Day that is approaching, and His coming. Just like the excitement we feel when vacation plans have been made, the bags are packed, and the hours of research and preparation are complete…….we can be prepared for the greatest event that has ever happened to mankind!

These are exciting times, lets do the research, get packed, and be prepared. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 7 at 240 Courthouse Parkway in Washington C.H.

Please do your best to bring family and friends. This is important information.

As always we will serve you dinner at 6 p.m. and our service time is at 7 p.m. Child care is provided. For more information, call 740-335-9641.


By Candy Pfeifer

Religion Writer

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