Getting Ahead: Love and respect one another


I have not always taken responsibility for my decisions. There was a time in my life that I tried to justify everything I did. Soon I learned that nothing got better as long as I did that. I’m sure someone comes to your mind who thinks they are always right. We might justify our actions, but we cannot escape the consequences of our actions. The real danger is that as long as we justify our actions, we can never get it right! People will get on both sides of an issue and then division will corrupt their relationship. It happens in families, friendships, and even in our government.

If we are to get past the devastating consequence of division, we must not justify our position without facts. In this time of a worldwide pandemic, the facts are very slow in coming. I thought when this started that we would be back to normal by May. We are far from it. The truth will be known but we have to work together for it to be seen. Some think that they should wear a mask, some do not. Some think we still need to stay at home, some do not. Some just want to get on with it, some think we need more time. Some people like green, others like red. Some people like football, some like baseball. Some people like blonde hair, others like brown. We do not all have to think alike to respect one another.

The enemy we face is not that there are different views, but that we passionately justify our stand without knowing the absolute truth. Our views can change but truth will not. The source of absolute truth is the Word of God. It says we should love and respect one another. We should have unity and a desire to lift up those who are hurting. Jesus promised He will never leave us or forsake us. He also said He would be with us THROUGH our hard times. That you can believe with all of your heart.

It is not what we believe about the circumstance we are in, but that we believe in one another!

For a biblical perspective join us Sunday morning at 10:30 on Facebook: The Gathering Place or on our website: on watch live here)

John Pfeifer


The Gathering Place

By John G. Pfeifer

Religion Writer

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