Kasey Armstrong’s MTES 1st graders on how to cook a turkey


Miami Trace Elementary first graders:

First, you go to the market and pick out the turkey. Then, I cut it up a little bit and put some leaves on it for decoration. I cook it in the oven for 3 hours, and then I cut it up some more. I like to have milk with my turkey. Last, I eat it with my family!

By: Elizabeth Acton

First, I go to Krogers and get my turkey. Then, I put some powder on it and then I put it in the oven. I cook it at 40 degrees for 30 minutes. Next, I let it cool down, and then we can eat it. I like to eat hot sauce with my turkey. We eat cake after the turkey! My grandma comes to my house for Thanksgiving.

By: Makenna Browning

First, I go to Walmart and get a turkey. Then I put the turkey in a pan with some oil and pepper. Next, I put it in the oven for 2 hours. When it’s done cooking, we cut it up and eat it with some salt and sometimes we have soup too. I love to eat with my mom.

By: Jiovanni Cruz

First, we go buy our turkey. We take it out of the box and put it in the fridge for the next day. Then, we put it in a big pot with pizza seasoning. Next, we grill it for 3 or 4 minutes. Then, we cut it up and put it on the table with the desserts, pancakes, and chicken. We pray, and then we eat!

By: James Duffey

First, we go to Walmart to buy our turkey. Then, we go home and wash it in the sink. We put salt on the turkey, and put it in a pan and take it outside to grill. We grill the turkey for 4 seconds, then we grill another one because we have a lot of people. We eat the turkey with spaghetti. My whole family comes to my house to eat.

By: Davey Dunn

First, we go to the farmers market to buy our turkey. Then I take it home and put it on a pan. Next I put salt and pepper on the turkey, and I cook it at my grandmas house. She puts it in the oven for about 50 minutes. Then, I put more salt and pepper on it and put the turkey on a big tray. We put some vegetables like carrots and celery around the turkey. Last, we sit at the table with everybody and eat our turkey!

By: Gavin Fisk

First, my mom picks up the turkey from Walmart. Then, she takes it downstairs to keep it in the wrapping. Then, my dad brings it up and puts seasonings on it. We keep it on the grill for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, he takes it inside and puts it on the turkey holder. Then he cuts it up so we can eat it. I don’t actually eat the turkey, but my family loves it. I love eating grapes. My dad puts the Thanksgiving Parade on the TV, and we watch it. All my grandparents come and we have a great time!

By: Marcus Hauer

First, we go to Walmart to get a turkey. Then, we go home and clean it up and put a little salt on it. Put it on a pan and put it in the oven for 80 minutes. Take it out of the oven and eat it!

By: Helena Hawkins

First, we get our turkey from Krogers. Then, we go home and unload and unwrap it. Next, we put bbq sauce on it and put it on a big pan. Then, we put it in the oven and cook it for about an hour. Next, I get the plates ready and pass the turkey out. We like to eat our turkey with green beans and mashed potatoes. I love going to my Mamaws house for Thanksgiving!

By: Harlan Hopkins

First, we go to Walmart and buy the turkey. Then, put some salt and pepper on it. Put it in the oven for 10 minutes. Cut it up. We eat it with potatoes and rolls!

By: Finley Jones

First, my mom goes to Walmart and gets a turkey. She puts it on a pan, and sprays some oil on it so it doesn’t stick to the pan. She cooks it in the oven for 10 minutes, and then takes it out. Next, she puts it on the table for us to eat! Except for me, I like to eat the bow noodle pasta! Mom, Adam, Beanie, and me like to eat together!

By: Lila Krupla

First, my aunt gets her turkey from Walmart. She takes it home and puts it on a pan. She puts some pepper on it, and then puts it in the oven. She cooks it for a couple minutes, and then she takes it out of the oven. She puts it in the garage to let it cool down, and then we eat in the garage. We also eat mashed potatoes!

By: Brooklyn Kuebler

First, my mom goes to the turkey store to buy the turkey. Then, she goes back home and she puts it in a pan. She puts pepper and salt on the turkey. She cooks it on the stove for 3 minutes. Next, she takes it out of the pan and puts it on the plates. We also like to eat corn and sweet potatoes with marshmallows. My grandma comes over to eat too.

By: Lucas Livingston

First, my mom goes to the Family Dollar store to buy a turkey. Then, she unwraps it from the plastic and puts it on a pan. She puts seasoning and butter on the turkey, and then she cooks it in the oven for 9 or 15 minutes. Next, she puts foil on it so it can cool down. I love to eat chips with my turkey. Last, we have Thanksgiving!

By Aliyah Maddux

First, my family goes turkey hunting to find our turkey. When we get a good one, we put salt, pepper, and some spray butter on it. Then, we cook it over the fire until it looks really good. We don’t use a timer. My dad helps me cut the turkey with a knife, and then we eat it with biscuits, broccoli, corn, and some carrots. We eat Thanksgiving in the woods because we like to go camping.

By: Brentley Martin

First, my family goes to Walmart to buy the turkey. Then, when we get home we put some salt, leaves, and paper on it. Next, we put it in the oven for 10 minutes. Then, we take it out of the oven and and get the house ready. We invite people over to eat. We usually eat salads with our turkey.

By: Brooklyn Sova

First, my mom goes to the farmers market to get the turkey. She takes it home and puts it on a pan. She cooks it on the stove for 20 minutes. When it’s done, she puts some salt and pepper on it. Next, she puts it on a big plate and cuts it up for everyone to eat. We eat salad with our turkey. My whole family comes to over to eat!

By: Hope Suttle

First, we get our turkey from a farm. My mom goes and gets the turkey. Next, she puts some brown seasoning on the turkey, and then she it on a pan and cooks it in the oven for 3 minutes. Then, she takes it out of the oven and cuts it up. Everyone likes to eat it with katsup and beans. Grandma, dad, step mom, grandpa, and our friends eat dinner with us.

By: Regan Thompson

First, mom goes to Walmart to get our turkey. Next, we open up the skin and put butter on it. We also put some spices on it. We put it in a big pan, and put it in the oven for 1 minute. When it’s done, mom and dad take it out of the oven and cut it up. I like to eat mashed potatoes and green beans with the turkey. Then we eat!

By Lincoln Thurman

First, my dad goes to Krogers to get a turkey. Then, he goes home and unwraps it and puts it on a pan. Next, he puts some seasoning like steak seasoning on it. He cooks it in the oven for about 30 minutes. When it’s done, he takes it out and cuts it up. Then, he puts it on plates with mashed potatoes and gravy. We like to dip the turkey in the gravy! My aunts, uncle, mom, and cousins come over to eat.

By: Hensley Yenger

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