Mrs. Kirkpatrick’s MTES kindergartners discuss cooking a turkey


Miami Trace Elementary School kindergartners:

Karlie B.: Get a turkey from my dad’s hunting. When we get it home mom and dad would grill it on the smoker. Cook it for 6 hours and then cut it with a knife. Eat it with green beans and noodles.

Maddox Foor: Get a turkey from WalMart. Dad is going to cook the turkey on the grill with seasoning. We will have mashed potatoes and chicken.

Bella B.: Get a turkey in a big bag from WalMart. Mom would cook the turkey in the oven for a short time on hot. I will eat the turkey with cookies.

Harrison G.: Me and mom will get a turkey from Kroger. Dad will cook it on the grill and season it. It will cook for 50 minutes. Mom and dad will cut the turkey. We will eat mashed potatoes and pie.

Eli B.: Get a turkey from Kroger’s. Put salt on it and cook it on the stove for 10 hours. Cut the turkey with a knife and eat it with fruit snacks and cookies.

Ellyott G.: My parents will get a turkey from Kroger. Mom, mamaw and papaw will fix the turkey homemade in the oven. They put turkey seasoning on it. It will cook for 20 minutes. We will eat mashed potatoes and corn. Mamaw will give us ice cream cups when we are done.

Everett C.: Papaw Pat is going to hunt for a turkey. We will cook for 100 years in the radioactive building which is dangerous so you wear a hazmat suit. I will put onions on turkey to make it smell stinky. When it is done, serve it with slush punch (you make it with almond extract, strawberry jello, sugar and water).

Dean H.: We will get our turkey from Meijer. Mom will cook the turkey for 5 hours in a hot oven. We will have chicken nuggets with the turkey. I want to have ice cream and cookies for dessert. I don’t like pie.

Ava L.: Get a turkey from Kroger’s. Dad will cook the turkey in the oven for 6 minutes. Mamaw will cut the turkey for us. My step mom will fix mashed potatoes and green beans. We will have water to drink. If I eat all my food, I can have dessert.

Lincoln P.: We get our turkey from the store, or Dad and I will hunt it. We start by putting it in the microwave, and then we put it over the grill. My sister and I then put it over the fire for one minute. It’s not hot, so we put it in the microwave again. We are having 10 turkeys and nothing else, except turkey ice cream.

Owen M.: My grandma will get our turkey from Kroger. Pap will season and cook the turkey on the grill for 55 minutes. He will put olive oil on it. We will have mashed potatoes and dessert. I hope we have blueberry pie.

Lilly S.: I love turkeys. We will go to Kroger to buy our turkey. We will heat it up for 2 minutes in the oven. We will watch PJ Masks while it is in the oven. Mommy will get it out of the oven and cut it. We will have pickles, cucumbers, scrambled eggs and drink water. For dessert, we will have vanilla ice cream and Christmas cookies. I will have tree Christmas cookies, snowman and snowflake ones too. That will be a lot of food in my belly.

Wiley M.: We will all go to the store in town and get our turkey. We will put spices on the turkey and cook it for 6 minutes in the oven. Daddy will get the heavy, hot turkey out of the oven and cut it. I hope to get the drumstick. We will have mashed potatoes and pie.

Troy S.: Get our turkey from WalMart. We will salt the big turkey and put it in the oven for 2 hours. Dad will get it out of the oven and cut it up. We will have biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy. For dessert we will have cheesecake.

Kahza T.: We will get our turkey from WalMart. Dad will put salt on the turkey and cook it in the oven for 16 minutes. It’s done when it’s gold. We will have mashed potatoes, stuffing and macaroni. We will have chocolate cupcakes, cake and popsicles for dessert. We also have vanilla ice cream.

Camdyn W.: Go to WalMart or Kroger and get our turkey. Dad will season and cook the turkey on the grill for 15 seconds. Mom will cut the turkey up. My favorite part is the wing. We will have mashed potatoes, steak, noodles and mac n cheese with it. Brownies will be our dessert.

Ellie W.: Mommy and I will get our turkey from WalMart. We put some mashed potatoes in the wings of the turkey. We take the bones out and we put a little water in it. We salt and pepper it. We then put it in the oven for 79 minutes. When it comes out we chop it into pieces and we smash it all up. We will have corn, oranges and apples.

Phillip R.: Get a turkey from a grocery market. When you get home, cook it with apple spices in the oven at 50 degrees for 33 hours. The “ding ding ” tells you it’s done and you take it out of the oven and tell the whole family to come over. We will eat turkey, macaroni and cheese salad, potatoes that are mashed and have milk. We will have zero pizza.

Noah W.: Dad and I will track our turkey, and I will jump out of a tree on it. I yell “cowabunga”. We have to take the feathers off of it once it’s done cooking. We cook our turkey in the oven for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. We will have strawberries, blueberries and potatoes. We will have M&Ms for dessert.

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