Buckeye All-Stars visit courthouse


The Buckeye All-Stars 4-H Club enjoyed touring the Fayette County Courthouse during their February meeting. They learned about the Riot of 1894, Cyclone of 1885, the famous Willard Murals, along with seeing all the beautiful architectural history of the building.

The Buckeye All-Stars 4-H Club enjoyed touring the Fayette County Courthouse during their February meeting. They learned about the Riot of 1894, Cyclone of 1885, the famous Willard Murals, along with seeing all the beautiful architectural history of the building.
http://www.recordherald.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2016/03/web1_BuckeyeAllStarsVisitCourtHouse.jpgThe Buckeye All-Stars 4-H Club enjoyed touring the Fayette County Courthouse during their February meeting. They learned about the Riot of 1894, Cyclone of 1885, the famous Willard Murals, along with seeing all the beautiful architectural history of the building.

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