‘A Fayette Christmas’ concert to be performed Dec. 6


The Christmas holiday season is approaching and with the downtown parade and other community activities taking place on the weekend after Thanksgiving, it couldn’t be a better time to hold an annual concert.

This concert of many familiar and favorite songs of the Christmas season will be held at the historic Washington School Auditorium on Dec. 6 beginning at 3 p.m. Ticket prices for the concert are $10 for adults, $7 for senior citizens, and no charge for school age or younger children. Tickets will be available from any of the singers or band members and also at the door on Dec. 6. The doors will open at 2:30 p.m.

The Fayette County community will have the opportunity to continue celebrating the holiday season with the annual Christmas concert featuring the Fayette County Choral Society and the Fayette Community Band. “A Fayette Christmas,” which will be held on Sunday, Dec. 6, is a continuation of the annual community Christmas concert that has, for several years, been part of the Fayette Area Community Concert Association (FACCA) series.

This concert of Christmas music performed by local singers and instrumentalists was always one of the most popular concerts of each FACCA season. When FACCA disbanded this past spring, the Community Band and Choral Society decided that this community Christmas concert needed to continue as part of the community’s annual holiday activities.

“This is really just a way to continue to celebrate the holidays here in Fayette County,” Director of the Fayette County Choral Society, Richard Glass, said. “This year is a little different, because for years we have been a part of that series as a guest. With some financial issues, the series will not make its return, but we thought it would be important to continue our celebration of the Christmas season with the community.”

All of the members of the band and chorus, along with directors Dennis Wollam and Glass, are inviting the entire community to join them for this musical afternoon of Christmas cheer and joy.

The Fayette County Choral Society and the Fayette Community Band are coming together to once again perform for the county during their “A Fayette Christmas” concert on Dec. 6. This picture is from a past rehearsal for the group.
http://www.recordherald.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2015/11/web1_Concert.jpgThe Fayette County Choral Society and the Fayette Community Band are coming together to once again perform for the county during their “A Fayette Christmas” concert on Dec. 6. This picture is from a past rehearsal for the group.

By Richard Glass

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