FCMH Auxiliary holds informative meeting


President Carolyn Reinwald opened the Fayette County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary meeting recently by introducing Mike Diener, CEO of FCMH; Trent Lemle, CFO; Tammie Wilson, CNO; and Whitney Gentry, business development leader.

They provided many updates concerning the hospital. Diener commented on the improvement in the nurse’s station. The remodeling has been good for nurses and patients both. Also, there will be some changes in the emergency department, the ambulatory hallway and the electronic health record system.

Tammie Wilson thanked the auxiliary for accepting the FCMH Bucks. It has been very successful for both organizations.

Trent Lemle was introduced by Diener. Lemle has switched positions at FCMH. He was very optimistic about the future.

Whitney Gentry is new to the staff. Diener welcomed her and introduced her to the group after her first six days.

After the group left, it was decided to change meeting times to 1:30 pm. so the hospital group wouldn’t be late for their hospital meetings at 2 p.m.

Carolyn began the business meeting by introducing a new member, Robin Dolphin. Everyone was happy to greet the daughter of a long-time member, Patti Briggs.

Nancy Troutman asked everyone to check the 2018 membership handbook for any corrections. Then the president asked all to say the Volunteer’s Prayer. She opened the business meeting. Jeanne Immell gave the secretary’s report. Sherry Ferguson gave the treasurer’s report. The reports were accepted as read. Ruth Curry reported having audited the books. She reported the books balanced.

Jean Ann Davis was not present to give the gift shop report, so Carolyn encouraged the group to check the copies of the checkbook. The report was approved as shown.

Ruth Curry gave the nominating committee report. The board members for 2020 are Barbara Black, Billy Dugan, Susan Mitchell and Maxine Wolf. A vice president is still needed. Carolyn gave the list of standing committee members, which is listed in the membership handbook.

Barbara Vance gave a report for the scholarship committee. They have changed how the scholarship will be granted. This will be the first year that Miami Trace, Washington C.H. and Fayette Christian will all be involved. Everyone agreed to the new scholarship amounts.

Reinwald announced that the sewing group was very satisfied with the results from the bazaar events.

President Reinwald asked for reports from the active committees. Susan Mitchell said the emergency department is doing very well. Joyce Lott is very busy filing for three separate departments. Billy Dugan spoke about the physical therapy department and is very pleased to be working there. Barbara Black spoke on the surgery center. Carolyn said the emergency room needs more stuffed animals for children and Cheryl Royster needs funds for people to get rides home after getting care. Both were approved.

The next fundraiser will be Collective Goods (Books Are Fun) July 31 and Aug. 1, 2018. Masquerade Jewelry will be here June 12 and 13. Both will be in the meeting room in the board room in the hospital.

The bazaar will be Nov. 9, 2018.

The next meeting will be April 9, 2018. It will be the pinning ceremony and appreciation lunch.

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