New Holland names new interim police chief


The New Holland City Council has approved Christopher Mosley, 36, as interim police chief of the village.

He will take office Thursday, according to council. Mosley will fill the opening left by former interim police chief, David Conrad, who has been charged with forgery. Conrad is accused of forging the signature of former police chief, William “Jason” Lawless, on a form that was meant to remove Lawless as chief of police and appoint him as a village police officer. The village’s mayor, Clair”Butch” Betzko, has been charged with complicity to commit forgery in relation to the same incident.

Mosley said Monday he had read about what was happening in the village’s police department, so he turned in his resume and spoke with Betzko about the position. Mosley has been a police officer since 2008. Most recently, he was a sergeant and K-9 handler in Piketon, Ohio. Mosley also teaches Subject Control, which he said is a form of unarmed self-defense, at Southern State Community College and Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center. In the past, he also taught at Ohio University.

In addition to being named interim police chief, Mosley has been named village administrator, which he said means he will be “in charge of day to day operations” of the village. He said he does not have experience as an administrator, but believes his experience as a supervisor and as a worker on his father’s farm will help him to do a good job as administrator.

The position pays an annual salary of $49,000.

After being named interim police chief, Mosley met with the members of the New Holland Police Department. Six officers work beneath Mosley. He said, “I wanted to let all the guys know that we have to earn the trust of everyone in the village.”

He also asked each officer to commit to working 16 hours a month. Many of these hours will be volunteer hours, as the department is only permitted to pay officers for a total of 16 hours each week at a rate of $10 per hour.

Mosley said his “ultimate goal” is to offer 24/7 service at the New Holland Police Department. He said he also wants to be able to pay his officers for every hour they work and to “have them be respected as real police officers.” He said he believes he’ll be able to accomplish these goals because he saw his chief in Piketon accomplish similar feats. He said, within the course of one year, his chief was able to buy two new cruisers, give his officers raises, and take them from part-time to full-time.

Mosley said these expenses were covered by grants, ticket revenue, and the establishment of an impound lot.

Mosley is cognizant of the problems that have plagued the police department and is determined to turn things around. He said, “I can’t change [the past]. The only thing I can do is be personally responsible for my own actions.”

In an effort to be improve communication between the police department and village residents, Mosley said he has established an open door policy. He said he’s aware that “all eyes are on me,” and he’s determined to make the police department “something to be proud of.”

Christopher Mosley poses with his K-9, “Lana,” while a sergeant for the Piketon Police Department. Mosley poses with his K-9, “Lana,” while a sergeant for the Piketon Police Department.

By Megan Neary

[email protected]

Reach Megan Neary at 614-440-9124 or @MeganNeary2