When is it enough?


Enough is enough when our Will overcomes our want. I believe that we have an innate wisdom within us that knows how to be fulfilled, and also, what it feels like to be satisfied with that fulfillment. Otherwise, how would we know to even chase it? It is a comprehension that is beyond our understanding; something that comes from a playful curiosity like when we were young children with no apprehension about the world.

There is an art to knowing when ‘enough’ is, and, within that art, it is never always the same. It becomes a different picture every time. In physical training, a beginner’s most common question comes from knowing how much to do. Sure, there are general recommendations, but sometimes it just doesn’t feel right. The aim goal is to feel good about yourself with the effort you’ve given. When it happens we know.

I love the look of somebody’s face when they’ve been through a successful workout session. It happens when they reach what is called the ‘Goldilocks rule.’ Not too hard and not too easy, but juuust right. I apply that to as many aspects in life as possible. It has led me to appreciate what I already have, and thus strengthen my ability and capacity to be a generally grateful person. That’s it! I want less and become driven more by my Will.

I wish there was a certain concrete definition for what Will is. Wouldn’t that make life easier? But it’s different for each person and we don’t have to argue about it. This is what makes things harder. If one person is happy and another person is happy, can’t we just be happy about that? Yet we question it. “Why is that person happy?” “Why is this person strong?” “Where are they going with it?” “How will that happiness affect me?” Essentially, for the latter question, it is meant to lead you to happiness as well, but we can only be grateful for others as far as we can be grateful for ourselves. You can only love others as far as you can love yourself. This is where ‘enough’ comes from. Far too much we are sacrificing ourselves for another.

I’ve recently been playing an exercise game in my own mind, and I even invite you to do this as well. The game is very simple. Imagine doing everything you’re doing now without receiving or paying money for it. For example, you go to the grocery store and get all items, go through the checkout line, and leave. There is no payment or transaction. The rule is that you cannot say that there is no reason for what you are doing now, so you would be doing it differently. (EVEN WORK!)

We think that if there is no reason for a checkout because we don’t have to pay, but it is within your Will to determine why you still need to go through the checkout process. Here is what I have found. I would go through the checkout line because the grocery store needs to take inventory. Their inventory is what determines my needs. It is what tells me I have gotten enough and also how much they should have in stock. When I take less but need more, the whole is affected in that same manner, and supplies will go down. There is less for others and now everybody is forced to take less. Even if it’s just a little bit!

Allow what is happening from within your Will to determine our driving force. Allow what you want, or believe others to want, to stop dictating what is important to you. Otherwise we lose touch and feel with what truly is enough. This is the point at which enough becomes enough.

By Trey Tompkins

Trey Tompkins is a local resident who writes fitness columns for the Record-Herald.

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