The Trumpet Sounds‘Committed to the Church?’


Why should we be committed to the church? Have you ever been asked that question? Simply put, we need to be committed to the church because we need one another. We live in times where even terrorists are unified and working together. We need the same commitment to do good in the church.

The quality of our faith and church life is formed and exhibited by the quality of our spiritual preparations and our discipline of obedience to God and to one another! It is our mutual faith-building and encouragement, receiving and practicing His disciplines that become the entrance point to our spiritual formation which leads to our Christian maturity. And, it is this growth in Christ that spurs our church body into an plane of mutual support and cooperation so we spur on one another’s commitment. Thus, when you are in a crisis or a troubling time, do not just ask for relief and divergence. Seek out community in Him and the help of others; as we look after one another, so we can collectively grow in Christ and not miss out on what Christ has for us.

Should we be committed when we face challenges in our church? When tough times do occur in our churches, we can use them as opportunities by asking what can I learn and take away to build me up further in faith and in maturity. God wants us to be squeezed so we produce wine and not whine. If we do not lean on Him, we will not learn and thus will not pass on helpful experiences to others. Our trials and hurts will become foolish wastes of real suffering. But, if we learn and grow through those trials, they become the great classroom of life and educate us better than any university degree. Taking on His strength is what helps us produce our joy, not our conditions or unfulfilled desires (Neh. 8:10; Isa. 40:29; Matt. 11:30; Heb. 12:12-29).

Being committed to the church is more than a gold star for attendance; it is a commitment to the work of our Lord. It requires submission to His authority, and active participation to be used and offered with the full abilities of our gifts and talents. It means giving of ourselves, and it means receiving the grace and love without the hindrance of our will.

Too many of us want to go it ourselves, but our desire to be independent becomes our focus in life. Usually our desire to be independent comes from some type of hurt. However, we must not allow the past hurts or the self-directed will to get in the way of receiving blessings and strength from others. We all have gifts to be used, but to use them, they need to be received.

Being committed means we are not to shop for months and years for a church home and become so picky not even the perfect church will satisfy us. We need to be discerning, and make sure it is grounded in correct theology and practices the art of caring, that it offers the ministry we may need, but does not have such high expectations that no person in a church could meet it.

Remember, the church is an imperfect institution that is in the process of development. The church is a hospital for the sick, not a museum for the saint. So, do not expect perfection, but expect a willingness to grow in Christ. Our committed church should compel us to be public about our faith and have commitment to others. We are to be supportive, not just financially, but in participation wholeheartedly and passionately. This Sunday at South Side we will come together to worship, encourage, give, and receive from our church. All those great things come from those who are committed to the church! God bless you, and we would love to have you worship with us this Sunday at 10:45.

In Christ,

Barry Pettit

Lead Minister

South Side Church of Christ

By Barry Pettit

Religion Columnist

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