The Trumpet Sounds: ‘We are the Church’


Do you remember as a child learning about the church and there were some hand movements that went with it? It went like this: here’s the church, here’s the steeple, open the doors, and see all the people. It was a great and cute little exercise, but the truth is the church is not the building. Many believers still believe that the church is a physical location. We have even seen division over the windows, the type of seating, the color of the carpet in places of worship because people literally thought the building was the church. Now of course there is nothing wrong with having a place of worship, and coming together as Christ followers as long as we understand that we are the church. As a matter of fact, the Book of Hebrews in chapter 10 and verse 25 tells us to come together regularly.

When speaking about the church the Apostle Paul put it this way, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27). We as individual are a part of a universal and local by that scripture calls the church. Interestingly enough when you read about the early church in the book of Acts people are meeting on hillsides, in homes, by rivers and just about any place that they can gather. They understood that wherever they worshipped that they were the church.

The fact is, we don’t need a building with beautiful stained glass, chandeliers, and comfortable seats to be a church. But we do need one another. The giant sequoias of California have very shallow root systems. A tour guide once pointed out that their roots extend just barely below the surface. It sounds impossible because we all know trees need deep roots to withstand drought and wind, but sequoias are most unique. They only grow in groves where their roots intertwine and their limbs interconnect with each other. When strong winds blow, they hold each other up. This is the way the church is designed. Without the help of others to keep roots firmly planted, with no support from others the individual Christian will soon fall. Like sequoias, we grow tall when we stand together and support each other.

Recently the church has been challenged by an epidemic. I am sure that just like me you have seen in spite of everything going on that the Church very much alive! Maybe in some ways better than ever! Please understand today that you are a part of a body. That body is the body of Christ, and it is made up of many individual parts. That is the church. We Are The Church! Not the building, the seats, the stained glass, the cool stage backgrounds and lights. We are the Church!

This Sunday we invite you join us at 10:45 for our worship service online. We will begin our new series entitled “We Are The Church.” Be sure to watch us at 10:45 at, or on our Facebook page. God bless you, and we hope you’ll watch!

In Christ,

Barry Pettit

Lead Pastor

South Side Church of Christ

By Barry Pettit

Religion Writer

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